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Storm in a Bottle

octagon theatre


Peter, an environmental scientist, is trapped by a vicious storm at the top of a mountain. Nico, Peter’s sibling, mysteriously appears and tries to help Peter come to terms with his life and move on from familial betrayals. Avoiding his problems hasn’t worked for Peter but the raging storm puts life and death into stark perspective.


Directed by

Cameron Tor

Cameron has been involved with the theatre for a number of years - mostly on-stage but occasionally up in the lighting box too. This experience inspired Cameron to write his own play and he is very fortunate and grateful to be supported by the Octagon Theatre and have the opportunity to produce the show. 




Peter- Josh Tyler

Nico - Shayla Thomas

Lewis - Cédric Boué

Mum - Sharon Hecker 

Dad - Micheal Tor

Bridget - Jessica Gray

Ray - David Dickens-Jacobs 



Director - Cameron Tor

Assistant Director - Wendy Berridge 

Script Writer - Cameron Tor

Costumes - Shiree Lee & Carol Freebairn

Lighting setup - Cameron Tor

Lighting & sound operator - Darrell Andrews & Wendy Berridge 

Sound Effects - Rana Gagnon

Set Design - Wendy Berridge 

Set Construction - Colin Lee

Set painting --Sandra Guest

Photography - Rana Gagnon & Jayden Lincoln

Social Media - Jayden Lincoln

Graphic Design - Ruby De Norbrega

Catering - Joyce & Co.

octagon theatre